Tilling Up the Ground

I’ve never been good at praying. Maybe it’s because I’m spacey or have trouble keeping focus. My 5th grade teacher once told me she thought I had ADD. I never really followed up on her accusation. I think I got off track. Anyways, the point is I have a hard time with sitting down and praying. 

To combat my antsiness, I take walks with God and talk to him. It’s my way of praying. It works for me. I think God’s cool with it too. Hey, whatever works for you, right? 

I was on my walk this morning and I was just thinking about my life and everything that is going on right now. I got to thinking about the weather and how excited I am for fall. I started to fixate on this season ending, both figuratively and literally. While I was having this thought, I passed by this house.

Let me tell you a little bit about this house. It’s a rent house and new tenants just moved in a few months ago. My wife and I went over to meet them and found out that four single girls in their twenties live there. They’re great neighbors and we’ve happy to have them on our street. 

My neighbors have a problem though. They really want grass in their front yard. They’re doing everything they know how to do to make this happen. They have tossed down seed multiple times. They water it almost everyday. And still, as you can clearly see in the picture, it’s not working. 

While I was looking at this house, I thought “What they really need to do is till up the ground and break it up. That’s the only way they’re going to grow anything in that yard.”

As I thought that, I felt like the Lord said “And that’s what I’m doing in you Zach”. 


You see, this season of whatever-it-is… God is still in control. It didn’t catch him by surprise. He knows what’s up. And if I will let him, he can use this season to make you look more like him.

Covid. Anxiety. Schools. Economy. Isolation. Fear. 

What the enemy meant for evil, God used it for good. 

When the things you have counted on fail you, it is a great opportunity to put all your dependence on the one who will never fail you. 

God is tilling up my self-dependence and security. My reliance-on-others-to-feed-me-spiritually? Gone. No more coasting through life. Routine seems to have disappeared. No one knows what the future holds. 

But the tilling is good. It is preparing me for something. For something great. For something better. 

Growth is coming. Fruit is on its way. Let the tilling do its job. It’s a vital part of the process. 

What the enemy meant for evil, God can use it for good. 

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