

I shared this with some of the part time staff, but the Lord has been reminding me of it all morning. This is Gaser with 2 hula hoops, pretending to be the Forerunner Phoenix.

On Friday, he "flew" with these hula hoops for over half of free time. He kept saying, "Coach Caroline, watch this again! Watch me!"

Gaser was laughing and had a smile glued to his face the entire time. Every time an adult walked up, he wanted to show them what he was doing.

He had the entire field to himself, free to spin and "fly" around as much as he wanted. He was unashamedly himself and wanted everyone to see. He was just being a 10 year old kid. Using his imagination and desiring the attention of adults that care for him.

Gaser has freedom here at Forerunner.

He has freedom because there are rules, there is structure, there are policies in place to keep him safe.

He has freedom at free time to pretend to be a Phoenix because he doesn't have to watch over his shoulder.

He knows that he is safe here.

He knows that people will stop and laugh with him and affirm who he is. He has the freedom to use his imagination and just spin.God desires us to have this kind of freedom. To live unashamed of who we are, using our gifts and talents, and simply live as his children. But, that freedom is only truly freedom when we accept the discipline of our Father.

When we walk in His ways, not our own.Be encouraged by the fact that discipline, structure, and order have a place in the Kingdom of God. It allows for true Freedom.

I'm encouraged by our staff this morning and how God has again used one of our boys to remind me of Him.

Quick shout out to Sticker Mule, our favorite sticker maker in the world. Sticker Mule is a great resource we use to promote our work in the Lake Highlands community.

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