Here are some of the things our Forerunners said while we were confirming the decision they made to go all in with Jesus through baptism this Spring semester:
“I don’t want to go down a bad path. I want to stop doing bad things.”
“My mom wants me to follow God.”
“I just want my whole family to come see how much I’ve grown since I’ve been here.”
“I heard about Jesus at Watermark, but I learned the gospel at Forerunner. Forerunner is kind of like a Junior Watermark.”
“I made the decision yesterday to follow Jesus after I went to bed. Jesus visited me in a dream and invited me to heaven. I woke up and felt alive. Can I be baptized today?”
“I’m excited for Jesus to be my leader now. I definitely wasn’t expecting to make this decision this week. It felt like it came out of nowhere.”
This May, 13 boys came into the water wanting more than forgiveness. They wanted to confess their desire to truly live. They weren’t asked to clean their life up beforehand, or to wait till they are fully mature. They were invited in as they are, with all of their past wounds, current flaws, and future failures. Because God promises to meet us there and nowhere else.
They came with a confession. They left with a testimony. They were buried with him in baptism, and raised to walk in newness of life.
Let that sink in...
This is a line in the sand for their future. I can see them in my mind's eye, sitting at their dinner table as men, leading their families in prayer before dinner. Their lives declaring with certainty,
This decision to make Jesus Lord of their life will make waves in their friendships. It will change how they see themselves. New creations. Covered in grace. Empowered to love and grow. Ready to walk out in the manhood declaration they've been speaking over themselves in preparation over the last year at program.
This is a new beginning. These 13 boys will never be the same.
God's favor and your support made all of this possible. Share in our rejoicing and welcome our new brothers to God's family next time you see them.
You can pray for them by name:
Jaiden, Semaj, Tyre, TJ, Elijah, Josef, Jesse, Shalom, Julian, Samuel, DJ, Riley, and Garrison