Why the Fatherless?

We believe there is a serious problem in today’s society. Young men left to figure out this game called life all alone. A boy relying on the world to teach him how to carry himself. Most have no one in their life intentionally teaching them what it looks like to become a positive and productive man.

Without a male role model in the life of these boys, they are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to fulfilling their God-given potential. There is not one man in this boy’s life for him to admire. Not one person he personally knows for him to emulate.

That is a problem.

That problem’s name is fatherlessness.

Forerunner Mentoring Program exists to minister to those impacted by an absent-father home. We step in the gap and build relationships with these young men and their families. We shepherd them as they learn how to live a life of flourishing. We teach our boys what it looks like to be a positive and productive husband, father, and leader.

Building relationships.

Shepherding our boys.

Guiding them.

Those are all great things.

But most of all, we lead our young men to the father heart of God.

We introduce our boys to a God who created them full of purpose and passion.

We share about how we are sinners in need of Jesus Christ.

We display the radical concept that Jesus, perfect in nature, is offering us love and friendship that has nothing to do with us and our actions.

We invite them to trust that His ways are better than our ways and that humility, compassion, and wisdom are what truly makes a man.

We walk with our boys in manhood and initiate the hard conversations about growing up without a father figure present, all the while pointing them back to the unconditional love of our true Father.

We comfort them and bring the light of Jesus Christ to heal hurts or trauma from their past. We strive to help our boys experience scripture and a relationship with Jesus.

It is our goal to allow the Lord to use our relationship with our young men to break the generational cycle of fatherlessness in every boy that we serve.

It is our dream that our Forerunners’ future children will never know what it is like to grow up without their father around.