Take Responsibility

I was walking through our program areas and noticed an issue in our parking lot. A bunch of asphalt had been kicked up, leaving a large hole. I mentioned it to the boys outside playing basketball with their coaches and mentors, hoping to see if anyone knew what happened and who was responsible.

“Oh that was totally me.”
“I did that.”
“Yeah, I did it too.”

Three boys fighting to take the fall and make it right.
They heard me out, and all stopped what they were doing to clean up the mess.


It’s one of the traits we believe God made us all for. We teach our boys to give respect, and take responsibility.

Responsibility means you step up to make things right.
We own our mistakes rather than make excuses.
Responsibility reminds us that failure is never final.
Failure is an opportunity to learn and build resilience.
Taking responsibility isn’t a sign of weakness. It actually makes you powerful.

Responsibility is what Jesus modeled for us. Driven by love, He took responsibility for us. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross.

Our boys are taught not to sit and wait for others to do what needs to be done: to open the door, to put up their gear, to pick up someone else’s trash. To take responsibility as forerunners.

Responsibility trains you to intentionally seek out opportunities in life rather than expecting them to come to you.

We will never fulfill our potential without the encouragement to grow in responsibility. For ourselves. For our family. For our community. He who is faithful with the little will be master over much.

Thank you for the ways you’ve taken responsibility to make Lake Highlands a better place.