The Way of Freedom
“For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm therefore and do not fall back into the yoke of slavery. For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
To love someone regardless of circumstances or performance totally goes against this world.
This world is all about what you have to offer and what you can do.
It is about proving that you are worthy enough to be loved.
The love of this world is focused on the actions of the receiver.
The love of Jesus is radically different – so opposite in fact, it’s offensive.
The way of Jesus says, “come as you are.”
Jesus loves you completely and it makes no difference what you have done or what you can do.
You do not have to earn His love.
The love of Jesus is focused on the heart of the giver.
So often I’m enslaved to the world’s way of love. I love those who’ve proved themselves worthy of it. I love those whom I agree with. I love those that measure up. And I don’t want to be like that anymore.
I want to quit loving like the world. I follow Jesus. His spirit is within me. And the love that he has given me I know is to be given to others free of charge. His love is different.
I am free to love my neighbor totally and completely. To serve and consider others as more important than myself. And that’s the kind of love that changes lives. A love despite circumstance or action. A love that says, “I love you for you, not for what you can do.”
Slavery and Fear vs. Love and Freedom
Slavery and fear are really good friends. Fear in mentoring tells you that you must fix, see progress, and that you are responsible for the results of the one you are investing into. Slavery is seeing the person as a project that must be fixed or else you’ll be to blame. Fear enslaves you. The outcome is up to you.
Freedom in mentoring looks like showing up, loving someone just as they are, and trusting that the Lord will move when the time is right. Freedom is serving the person as they are instead of trying to fix the person and make them into what this world wants them to be. Freedom literally frees you. The outcome is up to him.
So let’s be free today. Free to love people as they are. Let us toss aside the yoke of slavery that is the way the world loves.
Our love looks different. Our love is free. Our love is Jesus.
More of Him today. Less of us.