November/December Thank You Letter

I can’t believe that 2018 is almost over. This year has absolutely flown by and it’s only right to take some time to reflect on all that the Lord has done. It’s important to give thanks to the one who has worked so mightily in our lives time and time again. Psalm 100 tells us to, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Be thankful unto him and bless his name.”

Thank you Lord for all the families that we serve. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to cross racial boundaries and build relationships based on kindness and trust. Thank you, Jesus for loving our boys so much and for giving them an example and a guideline to look to when they want to do what’s right.  Thank you, God for healing wounds and transforming hearts. Thank you, Holy Spirit for guiding us and leading us into a closer relationship with you. 

Thank you for Liam who is gaining self-confidence as he progresses in literacy. For Eddie who is learning to control his anger and live peacefully. For LaBryan who is grabbing hold of the importance of forgiveness. Thank you, Lord. 

And thank you to YOU. Everything we are doing in the name of Jesus Christ is made possible by your support and prayers. We appreciate you more than you know. 

Merry Christmas to all. We pray you have a wonderful holiday season with those you love the most. 

More of Him. Less of us!


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