Mike Ryan
Board Chairman
Partner at KPMG
I believe in Forerunner because it gives to young men in our community what I have been blessed to receive. People who will model Christ and invest in the lives of these young men.

Stephen Murray
Executive Director
Forerunner Mentoring Program
The love of the Father is the greatest revelation we will ever experience. Forerunner reveals the Father.

Kim Sayles
Development Committee
As a believer in Christ, the mission behind the ministry of Forerunner directly aligns with my beliefs and passion. The life of Jesus gives us context for how to love the world—by caring for the fatherless and serving those he called “the least of these.” Forerunner seeks to pursue young boys and men who are physically and spiritually needy, just like you and me. Through the structure of mentorship with men who know and walk with the Lord, Forerunner aims to raise up the next generation of men on mission for Christ and His Kingdom. What a powerful goal—to make known the love of Christ through the community of other believers. Forerunner’s heartbeat is simple and it is transforming our community. Until He comes again, may the Lord utilize the vessel of this ministry to draw young hearts to Himself!

John Herrington
Governance Committee
Partner, Tegan Digital
I believe in Forerunner because relationships change lives. It’s listening, encouraging, guiding, loving, but most of all, being present. We’re called to show up— and that’s enough. Life can be overwhelming and having someone in your corner can lead to real transformation. I know that relationships change lives because Jesus changed mine.

Janal Reid
Development Committee
Owner, Serveway Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC
I love Forerunner because its passion is to raise up the next generation of leaders by setting them on a firm foundation with God at the center. There are a lot of options rallying for the youth’s attention and I love that Forerunner is providing a space that is safe for them to stumble, uplifting in spirit, passionate about education, and filling a gap of fatherlessness.

Maison Vasek
Finance Committee
Partner, BVWD
I love Forerunner because I love Christ, and I love our community. Forerunner provides impactful mentors, relationships, and opportunities through the love and truth of Jesus, to those in need of a fatherly figure. The team, the mission, and the foundation truly make a difference.

Paul Howell
President, Method Bank
Forerunner has helped open my eyes to the needs of young men and moms in Lake Highlands. Through relationships with the Forerunners, my family and I have created lasting relationships and found ourselves surrounded by a community dedicated to loving our neighbors in the name of Jesus. We are blessed to be a part of this expression of God’s love.